Atanas Laskov

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Studies After Morisot

March 8, 2021 20:59 GMT

I painted this is study of a girl after Berthe Morisot. She was an impressionist who outraged public opinion at the end of the 19th century because she was a woman who is professional painter. At the time, only men were professional artists, and women had to give up their art career when they married. Berthe refused to do this.

To be able to research her artwork, I made a YouTube playlist with documentaries. Beware that playlist is in French, but it shows all her important paintings. There is also a lot about her life in the movie “Berthe Morisot”, which sadly I have not been able to watch because it was broadcast on French TV and is not on Amazon/Netflix. There is a trailer of it on my playlist.

Study of a Gril
And below, a still life based on the work of Berthe Morisot:
Still Life of a Cage with Birds
And here’s another random head study. This one is done just for training, completely unrelated to Berthe ;-).
Renaissance Head Study

© 2021 Atanas Laskov

Atanas Laskov